Carbon Filters

Picture of Carbon Filters

Carbon Filters filter vent gases during sampling. These disposable units are 32 ounces and constructed from Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) containers. Disposable carbon filters are good for one year from the initial service date. A variety of end connections are available.

  • Disposable
  • Multiple connections
  • Flow through design
  • Convenient labels for recording service dates
  • Available in refillable Stainless Steel
  • Minimum operator exposure
  • Custom sizes available

Carbon Filter Assembly

Carbon Filter

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PO Box 65 • Sweeny, TX 77480   •••   708 N Main St. • Sweeny, Texas 77480
US Phone: 979.647.1070  •  Fax: 979.647.1072  •
©2008 Sampling Systems • Clear Lake, Texas
Manufactured under one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 5,279,167, 5,345,828, 5,396,812, 5,473,950, 5,765,585, 5,600,075, 5,794,695,
5,839,509, 5,925,833, 5,939,330, 5,934,375, 6,038,934, 6,067,864, 6,112,604. Other patents pending.